
Gather at the Table Paperback coming THIS WEEK!

Posted October 13th, 2013 by

This past week we sent the following message to the more than 6,300 readers on our e-Mail list. Since there are many folks who follow our blog and Facebook page who may not be on our mailing list, we share the message here as well.

  • if you are in a READING CLUB…
  • if you’d like to arrange for Sharon and Tom to speak at YOUR COLLEGE or in YOUR COMMUNITY…



Dear Friends,

GAtt Cover (FB)We have big news to share regarding our book, Gather at the Table: The Healing Journey of a Daughter of Slavery and a Son of the Slave Trade.

First, Gather at the Table won the prestigious Phillis Wheatley Book Award for Best Nonfiction (Biography & Memoir) this summer in New York City.

Second, Beacon Press will release GATT in paperback on October 15. With the reduced price for this version, we hope everyone who is in a Reading Club will recommend GATT for your group. We have a Study Guide on our website, and if the scheduling works, one of us would be happy to join you via Skype when you meet to discuss our book.

Finally, we are in the process of booking a series of speaking engagements in February in New York, Maryland, and Connecticut. If you are connected with a University or other organizations that brings in speakers, please let us know and we’ll see if we can work your institution into our schedule.

We would appreciate it very much if you would share this message with your friends and colleagues. Together, we will continue making a positive difference in the world!

Toward Peace & Justice,

Tom & Sharon

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