Posted May 26th, 2011 by Thomas Norman DeWolf
As we reached Alabama yesterday, our first stop was with family in Tallassee. It was my first chance to hug the newest members of the Morgan clan. Although Morgan is my married name and I have been divorced from Mr. Morgan for many years, I continue to consider my in-laws and their children as part […]
Posted May 19th, 2011 by Thomas Norman DeWolf
I just got back from the National Genealogical Society conference in Charleston, SC. I spent a week working the Coming to the Table exhibit booth. As the exhibit hall ebbed and flowed with people, there was quite a bit of down time; plenty of time for thought and reflection. One thing that really impressed me […]
Posted April 25th, 2011 by Thomas Norman DeWolf
I just spent an amazing week attending a STAR seminar at Eastern Mennonite University. Tom DeWolf, who is a STAR alumnus, recommended that I attend. He thought it would be useful to our book writing process. He was definitely right about that! The STAR acronym stands for “Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience.” The one-week, […]
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Posted March 28th, 2011 by Thomas Norman DeWolf
Shoah is the Hebrew word for “calamity.” It is generally used to describe the holocaust that occurred in Europe during World War II as Adolph Hitler led the extermination of millions of Jews, Gypsies, African Germans, homosexuals and disabled people. There is no doubt that this was one of history’s most horrific events. But there […]
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Posted March 14th, 2011 by Thomas Norman DeWolf
When I was growing up, an oft repeated admonition was that black people had to run faster, jump higher and be twice as good as white people if we aspired to catch up (much less get ahead) in an overwhelmingly white world. Over time, I surmised that must be true. I cannot tell you how […]
Posted March 4th, 2011 by Thomas Norman DeWolf
Tom and I will be hitting the road in May. We will drive more than five thousand miles, visiting ancestral locations in 15 states. Our tour will no doubt include plenty of sojourns in cemeteries. My uncle says I like digging up dead white people. It’s not that I “like” doing this, it is just […]
Posted February 5th, 2011 by Thomas Norman DeWolf
Writing is never easy. It is hard to sort through the cacophony of messages reeling in one’s head and condense them down into readable form. But that is exactly what a writer must do. In collaborating with Tom DeWolf, I face the prospect of filling more than two hundred pages of a book that communicates […]
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Posted January 31st, 2011 by Thomas Norman DeWolf
After two and one half years of thinking, working, writing, planning, proposing and nail biting, we are confronting the reality of what the next two years will bring. We received our signed contract from Beacon Press a few weeks ago. We now have until December 1, 2011 to deliver our final manuscript. Once published, we […]